A Year-Long Restoration Complete

Stuff We Love

When a deadly tornado hit Gaylord last May, it left a trail of destruction to people’s homes, businesses, and property in its wake. Doug Watson’s truck, a 1995 Chevy Silverado, was in the storm’s path, and the vehicle was so badly damaged it was considered totaled by Watson’s insurance company. Luckily, Watson’s friend Dan Bowers is a paraprofessional instructor in the Collision Repair program at Northwest Education Services (North Ed). Bowers arranged for the truck to be repaired by North Ed Career Tech students, who spent the last year working to restore it to its former glory. (The vehicle is considered “historic” due to its age!) Watson paid for the parts and supplies, Thirlby Automotive donated paint, and the students fixed up the dents, caved-in tailgate, and shattered windows. When Watson picked up his truck at the end of the school year, he said, “...today, it feels like I have a brand-new truck.” See more at northwested.org.

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