
Hypnotic Rena Greenberg’s Right Weigh
By Kristi Kates
“I struggled with food for a long time,” author and hypnotherapist Rena Greenberg says, “I was a big sugar and carbohydrate addict. When I was 26, I ended up in the emergency room, close to death. So I know how painful the struggle can be. I used the tools that I’m now sharing with others to turn my life around. It’s not just about weight loss—it’s about taking your life back.”
Greenberg is both walking the walk and (literally) talking the talk. She’ll be presenting a major weight-loss seminar and motivational program at Boyne Mountain on Saturday, May 1, to help others “find the power within themselves to make changes.”

Greenberg’s Wellness Seminars, which she’s been running for 20 years, combine the triple powers of hypnosis, behavior modification (reprogramming negative behaviors and replacing them with positive ones until the positive ones become automatic), and something called NLP, or neuro-linguistic programming, via which people are taught, again through hypnosis, to become consciously aware of, and to change, “self-sabotaging” ment al pictures and phrases.
Greenberg says that participants can learn to lose weight without feelings of deprivation or denial, and can also eliminate unhealthy overeating habits. The Boyne program will include a “powerful hypnotic session,” Greenberg’s book, The Right Weigh: Six Steps to Permanent Weight Loss, home reinforcement CDs and booklets, and unlimited free repetitions of the hypnosis portion of the method for one year, if needed.

While this all might sound like snake oil at first glance, Greenberg actually has a biopsychology degree, and is nationally board-certified as a biofeedback therapist and hypnotherapist; corporations such as AT&T and Home Depot are among the sponsors of her work, and fellow wellness advocates Christiane Northrup MD and Marianne Williamson are among her supporters.
Greenberg is a woman of great positive energy, and her career of choice seems to have as many spiritual rewards as it does financial.
“The most exciting thing for me is when people gain the realization, as I have, that when we change our thinking, our behavior naturally changes, and that it’s possible to do so,” she says, “over the years, I have studied and developed tools to make these shifts possible. My greatest reward is when people contact me and tell me that going through my program changed their life. When I see the before and after photos, and hear the stories of triumph over destructive patterns, I feel so grateful to be able to share this information with so many.”

Greenberg says that it’s not just the seminar itself that helps her attendees gain success.
“The key is to use the tools of reinforcement that I provide,” she explains, “the continued use of my hypnosis weight loss CD helps to sustain the changes. This is because the subconscious mind is programmed through repetition, providing a strong foundation for weight reduction. Participants find their eating habits change without feeling like they are on a diet. There is a lot of support after the seminar, as well.”
At the seminar, participants begin with an orientation prior to paying the seminar’s fee ($70.) The second part of the seminar is the hypnosis, where Greenberg guides participants through exercises, though the participants, she says, remain in “complete control” the entire time; Greenberg’s job is to help them tap into their own mind power to craft higher self-esteem and make healthier choices.
“The seminar is very upbeat, motivational, inspirational, and life-changing,” she enthuses, “and after the seminar, people say that they notice changes in their attitude toward food. Hypnosis helps us change the way we see ourselves, and to break old unproductive patterns.”
Solace Spa at Boyne Mountain presents Rena Greenberg’s Wellness Seminar for Weight Control, “back by popular request,” will take place on May 1, from 10 am to noon in the Grand Lodge at Boyne Mountain Resort. Prices for the seminar start at $69.99 per person, and overnight stay spa packages (mention the code WELL) are also available. Call 800-GO-BOYNE or go online to www.boyne.com for details.

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