Connecting the Community

Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation—in partnership with Traverse Connect, Rotary Charities of Traverse City, and Networks Northwest—announced the launch of the Grand Traverse Regional Project Dashboard this past week. The dashboard’s purpose: to make grassroots connections throughout the community and drive collaboration. According to their website, the Project Dashboard “features hundreds of programs and projects submitted by local nonprofits and governmental agencies, including a wide range of public infrastructure and other economic, societal, and environmental priorities” across the five-county region. The dashboard has over 175 active projects listed—totalling nearly $700 million—which can be filtered and sorted by county, cost, organization, and more. David Mengebier, president and CEO of GTRCF, says of the dashboard, “By coordinating across organizations, we have a better opportunity to secure funding needed to support our region’s priorities.” The four organizations behind the dashboard make up the Northwest Michigan Development Coalition with the goal of supporting the future of our region through engagement and investment. Head to to learn more.

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