Getting Smarter with Age

Stuff We Love

Raven Hill Discovery Center is all growed up. Founders Cheri and Tim Leach’s “baby” turns 30 years old this summer, and if you haven’t been since your own kids were small, consider taking your grands before Labor Day shrinks the hands-on hot spot’s hours from 10am to 4pm weekdays to six weekend hours only. Trust us, you’ll need the time. With 175 acres, a museum, music garden, Beyond Jurassic Park walk, one-room schoolhouse, alternative energy house, accessible treehouse (pictured), and lots more to explore, this East Jordan science-art-and-history hub is bigger and better than ever. They’ve just added a new Connections Trail, a half-mile outdoor path that allows kids to walk like other civilizations did—on roads made of flagstone, concrete, cobblestone, brick, gravel, macadam, asphalt, and cement, as well as upon the Ancient World’s outdoor Sweet Track, a replica of a causeway found in England and dating back to 3807 BCE.

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