Good News: Music is in the (Outdoor!) Air

Live music in Boyne City, Gaylord, Traverse City, and more

As the curve continues to drop, the opportunities to take in live music at some of our favorite summer spaces are rising in number. Lavender Hill Farm (pictured above) near Boyne City has announced it’ll kick off its summer season July 11. The Boyne Area Chamber will start its Evenings at the Gazebo shows on July 15, extending the 6:30pm Wednesdays series for 10 shows. Harbor Springs’ Street Musique, hosted by its Chamber Foundation and the Blissfest Music Organization, will run 6:30-8:30pm on Thursday nights, July 2-Aug. 20. Gaylord’s Big Ticket Festival, usually held in June, is now on for Sept. 4–6.

And finally, Grand Traverse Pavilions Concerts on the Lawn, while not being held on its lawn this summer, will be broadcast live from WCCW-107.5 FM, so you can tune in from your lawn. Traverse Symphony Orchestra’s brass quintet kicked off the Pavilions' first Radio-Retro show Thursday, June 4; Pavilions’ Community Engagement Officer Deborah Allen tells us the completed schedule of 7pm Thursday performances is forthcoming as they figure out how many musicians they can safely fit six feet apart in the studio. You can see the bulk of the schedule on Grand Traverse Pavilions' Facebook page.

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