Local Movie Wins Best Comedy in Big City Film Fest

Movie News

Filmmaker Rich Brauer typically lets his distributors showcase his movies however they think best. But with his distributor headquartered in Chicago, he was inspired to enter his film Frozen Stupid 2: Open Water in the Chicago Independent Film Festival. He’s glad he did: Much to his surprise, it was selected for the festival. Then the big shock: The movie was named the best feature comedy. “I called all the actors. It was pretty crazy,” says Brauer. “Chicago is a big place, and I’m coming in from left field. I don’t know how it happened, but it happened.” The best part: Now the film is attracting attention from other festivals, which are contacting Brauer to ask him to submit the movie for consideration. It’s already been accepted as an official selection by the Toronto Film Festival. “I just make films because I like telling stories. I hope someone else likes them.” Guess they do.


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