Makers Market Hits the Mark

Try saying that title 10 times fast. Or don’t, and instead make your way to the Northwestern Michigan Fairgrounds in Traverse City June 3-4 for the Red Dresser’s Barn Market, a vintage flea and makers extravaganza. (Complete with live music and food trucks so you can dance, eat, and shop—the perfect trifecta of spring fun.) More than 100 vendors come together to bring you everything from vintage furniture décor to apparel to homegrown goodies. The market is also a great place for those who have “the eye” for salvaged and repurposed pieces ready for their next life. Friday night is the ticketed “First Picks Event” ($10; 4pm-8pm), and your ticket also gets you in for Saturday’s shopping. If you’re only going for one day, Saturday tickets are sold at the gate for $5 (cash or check only), and the market is open from 9am to 4pm. Get details and two-day tickets (sold via Ticketleap) by heading to

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