Anderson’s Hand-pressed, Unpasteurized Cider

Bottoms Up

We first caught sight of this deep amber gem of a cider in the Northern Express office fridge, a try-it, you’ll-like-it autumn offering from the folks at Anderson’s Glen Arbor Market. What caught our eye wasn’t just that promising tawny hue; it was the thin bits of whatsis languidly floating inside that dusky-sunshine juice. Read: Good bits. The best bits. And exactly the kind of honest-to-the-apple-gods-proof you’ve got your mitts on truly fresh-pressed, unpasteurized apple cider. Hand-pressed with 10 varieties of apples plucked from the trees of Empire’s Weisen Farms, each weekly batch of this stuff (and we know, because we tried two quarts, two weeks apart) tastes a little like you’d imagine sticking a straw in an apple might. Drink yours like the pilgrims did or do like us and serve it heavily chilled, with ice; sometimes with a bite of rum. Just know that time is running out. Anderson’s is pulling the press after Thanksgiving. Get yours at Anderson’s only: 6545 Western Ave. (231) 334-3149.

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