Forty Acres’ Spa Day Martini

Bottoms Up

Myriad methods of cocktail creation are on display at bars around the world. There are flaming drinks, compotes laden with almost absurd amounts of fruits and vegetables, and sometimes even aerosolize booze infused with, well … weird stuff. At Boyne Mountain’s slope-side Forty Acres Tavern, the Spa Day Martini ($11) also relies on a bit of a gimmick — but a mighty tasty one — to carry it forward.

Vigorously shaken to meld premium ingredients, this delicious martini has a sturdy foundation of ultra-clean Bilberry Black Hearts Gin from Journeyman Distillery of Three Oaks, Michigan. Bols Ginger Liqueur — its complex notes embracing a hot and tangy sweetness — mingle with tart lemon juice. But the real triumph is in the aforementioned gimmick: a spring of fresh rosemary is lit and placed on top of the glass, the shaken mixture is poured over it, and the burning ashes ushered into the hazy-clear drink by the beverage itself.

The ashes therein, admittedly, look weird. But don’t be dissuaded. They’re harmless and actually do add hints of charred rosemary, culminating in a cocktail that’s slightly sweet, a bit tangy, potent and refreshing — and one that would certainly hit any spots missed at the spa. Find Forty Acres Tavern slope-side at Boyne Mountain Resort in Boyne Falls. (231) 549-7270,

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