High Five Spirits' Mi Senorita Vodka Rita

Bottoms Up

We swear, it’s not only High Five Spirits’ gorgeous presentation of its Mi Senorita Vodka Rita that had us swooning. (But seriously, who wouldn’t fall hard for a chilled copper vessel cut in the shape of an upside-down pineapple and packed with thick rings of citrus, High Five’s house-infused jalapeno-pineapple vodka, house-made triple sec, and a splash of fresh OJ? Anyone? Anyone?) To sip this tropical affair, though, feels a bit like an illicit affair — perhaps that’s because the recipe is said to have been lifted from el criminal numero uno himself, el Chapo. Whatever its source, we care most for its finish: truly fresh and fruity, a wee bit spicy, and as one devoted reviewer described, “like a Mexican fiesta in my mouth.” $13, High Five Spirit, 312 Howard St., Petoskey. (231) 881-9881, gypsyvodka.com.

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