
Letters 10/12/09

Devastating closure
It’s Monday, my usual day for the gym. But I’m not going, nor are any of the Monday regulars at the Fitness Center. Why? Because with barely a week’s notice the
Fitness Center closed after 23 years of serving a diverse community at its convenient location.
While I am sad, others will be devastated, because it will be difficult, if not impossible, for them to go somewhere else. The Fitness Center served a few clients who were mentally and physically challenged, who walked or arrived by BATA bus, as well as young and old, fit and not so fit.
I take away two lessons: Out of town ownership is a BAD IDEA. Might things have been different if the owner had experienced the camaraderie, had seen the excellent guidance given by the trainers, had noticed the sense of loyalty and community among members?
That sense of community is my second lesson. I feel great affection for members whose figures now come to mind, people whose names I don’t know, to whom never spoke. We were all there together, doing our respective work to care for our bodies day after day. I will miss them all, as I will miss our competent, hard working trainers. Thank you all.
The Fitness Center was one of Traverse City’s well-kept secrets, a kind of gem in the rough. Opportunity awaits an entrepreneur would like to open an in town gym. He or she would find a supportive group of customers, ready to help market and make it work. I already have a name: Community Fitness, The Gym for the Rest of Us.

Alison Heins • TC

Protect the cougars
I understand that there is evidence that leads many scientists, veterinarians, and animal observers to believe that there is a breeding population of cougars in the state of Michigan.
I am asking that the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) take immediate action to start collecting evidence and try to determine how many cougars are in Michigan and what needs to be done to protect them.
Under the Michigan Endangered Species Act, the DNR is to “perform those acts necessary for the conservation, protection, restoration and propagation of endangered and threatened specifies of fish, wildlife and plants.”
By refusing to recognize the evidence presented by citizens of Michigan that cougars do exist in the state, the DNR fails to fulfill its obligation to protect cougars under the Endangered Species Act.

Pamela Thornton-Folkema
South Boardman

Mikko‘s bad decisions
Bravo! to Marty Beaudoin for his letter regarding Dennis Mikko (9/28).
Mr. Beaudoin could not have said it any better! My family’s lives also were affected negatively by Dennis Mikko’s decisions. He disregarded the facts, ignored the wishes of the children, and like Mr. Beaudoin stated, handled his courtroom in a dismissive, judgmental, opinionated and arrogant manner.
The Friend of the Court system has serious issues and should be monitored more carefully. Changes need to be made, everyone knows it, but nothing is being done.

Charleen Jach • TC

Whoops -- Real Astrology was inadvertently omitted last week. Apologies.
Also, the band Umphreys McGee was in town promoting its new 2009 release, not their 2007 disc as stated in a story. And an ad for the band included a photo of the Disco Biscuits.

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