Letters 05-07-2012

Email your letter to: info@northernexpress.com

Please keep your letter under 300 words (one page).

Only one letter per reader in a two month period will be accepted. may be edited for length or to correct factual errors. Letters must be signed to be considered for print and a phone number is required for verification. Faxed letters are not accepted.

Citizens vs. PACs

I believe American citizens, not superpacs and billionaires, have the constitutional right to elect our President, Congress, and Judges. The Citizens United vs. FEC ruling by the Supreme Court gives corporations including multinationals, foreign entities, and unions the constitutional right to spend unlimited funds to oppose or support a candidate without disclosing who is giving, how much, and to whom.

Because Citizens United says money is the same as speech, superpacs allow individuals to do the same. Those who donate the most money win the votes of the politicians. This is destroying our democracy!

Average citizens across Northern Michigan trying to voice their concerns to their legislators can be overwhelmed by the corrupting influence of outside billionaires and corporations who donate unlimited amounts of money.

As a citizen of this country that I love, as a mother and grandmother, I believe we have a right and a responsibility to elect the best legislators who will safeguard and advocate for our family, community and country.

If you believe the votes of our legislators are not for sale, if you believe legislators are accountable to the people who live and work in their district, if you are frustrated that your legislator is spending more time getting re-elected than solving this nation’s complex issues, then we need you.

The best way to get the money out of politics and restore democracy to the people is through a constitutional amendment. Go to movetoamend.org to sign the petition, read about this nationwide, grassroots, nonpartisan movement.

Join the local affiliate Move to Amend Northern Michigan, which meets Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. in the lower level of Horizon Books in Traverse City. Our website is movetoamendnorthernmichigan.org.

Come join with thousands of communities signing on to Move to Amend. Be pro-active and make a difference.

Beverly "BJ" Christensen - Cedar

Government waste

I write this on behalf of the countless women and men whose lives have been devastated by abortion, who have suffered in the real "War Against Women."

We were lied to. We were told our babies were globs of tissue. But we knew they were not globs of tissue when we were sent home to deliver shriveled up, burned up, dead babies.

We were told that abortion was a simple procedure and that we could put all this behind us, get on with our lives. But we found out this was a lie because for decades we suffered from depression, suicidal tendencies, anxiety, repeated nightmares, flashbacks, intense grief, physical and emotional problems.

We were told we could have other children but that was a lie to those of us so injured and scarred that we could not. What a lie.

We were pressured by boyfriends, husbands, parents, the culture and, God forbid, Planned Parenthood, if we went there for "help." And where was the government or Planned Parenthood when we needed help to recover from the damage abortion had on our lives?

But we are here, those of us who found healing, and we are raising our voices against this injustice. We know first-hand the lies and we know the truth. We have lived it.

We will be deceived no longer. Abortion is not kind to women. Abortion is not caring and abortion is certainly not "healthcare."

We stand strong, uniting our voices against the persistent, invasive abortion agenda by this president and his administration.

The real "War Against Women" has been waged for almost 40 years and there are many casualties.

Who has the ears to hear us? Who has the eyes to see us? When will those who so flippantly speak of choice, charity and goodwill toward women see the pain?

Nancy Menzies-Kreuzer - Glen Ellyn, IL

Fair tax

How do you feel about paying your income a few weeks ago? Do you feel like (1) you are participating in a fair taxation system, (2) you are only paying your fair share and (3) everyone else is paying their fair share too?

The Fair Tax is superior to the Income Tax. If adopted The Fair Tax would annihilate the IRS with all its shortcomings and be a huge boon for American businesses.

The Fair Tax is essentially a national sales tax. Among its advantages: absolutely everyone pays (including illegal immigrants and tourists) and American businesses will be on a more level playing field with their international competitors. American made products will be cheaper for both Americans consumers and export. Those living below the poverty level are protected.

The Fair Tax was introduced into congress in 1999 and has been buried in congressional committees even since; it’s never been voted on. If your congressional representative is unable to give you an acceptable explanation of why he/she has not been a supporter of the Fair Tax, you need a new representative!

Defeat your congressperson in the primary if possible; even if that requires voting across party lines. There’s always November.

Glen Terrell - Arlington, TX

Nugent unwelcome

If Turtle Creek Casino had Ted Nugent perform BEFORE all this current political hotbed hoopla, the crowd would have been just a bunch of rockers. But now that Ted Nugent is a political hot potato, chances are good the crowd at Turtle Creek will be politically-charged and not necessarily in a positive way.

I urged the GT Band Tribal Council to cancel Ted Nugent's upcoming concert at Turtle Creek Casino with the following: Message to Grand Traverse Band Tribal Council: I urge you to please consider canceling the upcoming Ted Nugent venue at Turtle Creek Casino, Williamsburg, Michigan.

Ted Nugent’s ideology insults the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians. It is my personal opinion that GTB should be embarrassed by their decision to support Ted Nugent. Having Ted Nugent at Turtle Creek Casino seems shameful and disrespectful to Tribal tradition.

GT Band can and should do much better than Ted Nugent as choice for entertainment at Turtle Creek Casino. Revenue is guaranteed, chances are you will make profit whenever you offer entertainment, no matter your choice of entertainer.

So, money shouldn’t be the issue in your having chosen Ted Nugent. What is the type of crowd GT Band hopes to attract with Ted Nugent? If that question hasn’t crossed your minds, it should. I have great respect for Tribal Council and think it should strive to present itself and GT Band at highest level - stay away from political hot potatoes.

Seven Generations expect you to always stay on the high road, do not stoop low. Do not lower yourselves and GTB to lowest common denominator of Ted Nugent’s provocative lack of class.

Kathleen Borey - Elk Rapids

Pay loan back

Holders of real estate loans are supposed to repay them. Many of our residents are unable to pay their mortgage and are losing their homes because of foreclosure.

This is not true for Traverse City developer David Schostak, who lost an attempt to avoid paying his loan for the Cherryland Shopping Center in a Michigan Court of Appeals judgment.

He next turned to the Michigan State Legislature where our Representative Ray Franz voted for a bill, Public Act 67, which will enable Mr. Schostak to overturn this Court ruling to pay $2.1 million in debt plus $260,000 in legal fees to the Wells Fargo Bank. Interesting is the fact that Mr. Schostak’s brother is not only his business partner, but also the Chairman of the Michigan Republican Party.

Well, it must be nice to be forgiven loans. It appears that double standards are alive and well in Michigan where your Republican connections can design and pass a law which overrides judicial disapproval and gets you out of repaying your loan.

Peter Wolcott - Northport

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