Spinning out of Control


He said scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were wrong when they first issued their mask recommendations. He resisted and contradicted their suggestion that businesses and schools should close. He denied that there were shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) and made sure the person who said there were shortages was removed from her job. We now know he knew all along just how bad the pandemic was going to be but “underplayed” it to prevent “panic." 

He's recommended the use of hydroxychloroquine, despite there being no evidence it was safe or effective. He even suggested, right out loud, that his Coronavirus Task Force should investigate internal use of disinfectants and bleach.

He regularly contradicts Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who is considered the world's foremost expert on infectious diseases. He called Fauci “wrong” after Fauci, testifying before Congress, confirmed we hadn't done enough to lock down the country. He has referred to Dr. Fauci as an “alarmist” more than once. 

He directed the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to fast-track a vaccine, told the world that vaccine might ready by Election Day, then claimed the department had “made a mistake” when it said a vaccine would not be ready even by the first of the year. He has already had five FDA Commissioners in just under four years.

He most recently appointed a new coronavirus advisor who has no infectious disease experience, doesn't believe in mask mandates, opposes school and business closures, and has spoken favorably about herd immunity. 

He refers to “herd immunity” as “herd mentality.” He claims children are “completely immune” to the novel coronavirus even though almost nine percent of cases afflict those under 18, some have died, and all are contagious.

When informed that the United State's novel coronavirus death toll had exceeded 200,000, he said, “That's a shame.”   

He said a simple “I don't believe them” when the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's reported dire warnings on climate change. He even had an appointee remove any reference to it. In fact, he doesn't believe in climate science at all and says “It'll cool down again, you'll see.”   

He blames the fires in the West on poor management by Democratic governors, despite the fact that the land burning is mostly under federal management. He says the record-breaking heat there is just “weather.”

He has said the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which has the responsibility of … well, protecting the environment, has too many rules and regulations, so he has stripped away many via executive order. He has reduced or eliminated emission restrictions for oil and gas exploration, including emissions of highly dangerous methane; has approved mining and fossil fuel exploration in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge; and has allowed coal operations to go back to dumping their waste slag into nearby creeks and streams.

He dismissed reports from the intelligence community regarding the novel coronavirus and called their investigations into Russian meddling in our 2016 elections “fake news.” When asked if he thought Russian President Vladimir Putin, who was sitting next to him, orchestrated the interference, he said, “I don't know why he would.” The reports he contradicted said the evidence of Russian interference to help him was “incontrovertible.”

He has referred to members of the Federal Bureau of Investigation as “thugs” and “criminals” and suggested some should be tried for treason. 

Then there's the military. It has been reported that he has referred to military draftees as “suckers” and “losers.”  He told an aide planning a military parade to exclude vets who suffered amputations because “nobody wants to see that.” He hired decorated combat generals to his staff with great fanfare, referring to them as “my generals.”

He dismissed Gen. John Kelly as his Chief of Staff after an 18-month tenure, saying Kelly was “in over his head.” A spokesperson took it another step by saying Kelly was “totally unequipped to handle the genius of our great president.”     

General James Mattis lasted as Secretary of Defense for two years before resigning. He was called “the world's most overrated general” upon his departure. 

General H.R. McMaster only lasted a year as National Security Advisor before he was shown the door and referred to as “gruff,” “condescending,” and, of course, “highly overrated.”

It seems there is no individual or institution President Donald Trump won't demean, denigrate and belittle if they disagree with him even a little. His is a world of delusion in which there are enemies all around him in need of being struck down. He ignores the facts and science and replaces them with whatever nonsense he believes will benefit him. Currently, his idiocy is focused on destroying confidence in our election system. 

When asked if he believed he knew more than experts, he said, “Yes, a lot of the time I do.” No, he doesn't, and our country spinning out of control is proof.  

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