May 19, 2024

Letters 07-23-2012

July 22, 2012

Email your letter to:

Please keep your letter under 300 words (one page).

Only one letter per reader in a two month period will be accepted. may be edited for length or to correct factual errors. Letters must be signed to be considered for print and a phone number is required for verification. Faxed letters are not accepted.

'Get off my lawn'

After reading the Letters to the Editors in the July 16th issue I am very curious - how old are the readers of The Express?!

This publication has had an edge to it since its inception and has never been afraid to ask some very hard questions or to tip-toe the line between aggressive and conservative. I’ve read it for years (I’m 30) and so have my friends and perhaps I was assuming something untrue in that the readers tended to be under the age of 80.

The letters people have written take on this point of view of an old man sitting on his porch yelling at kids to get off of his lawn. It doesn’t fit!

For instance - the letter about fireworks is unreasonable. Really? Your neighbors were using expensive professional-grade fireworks? The kind the Cherry Fest can’t even afford to use?

Oh, and your poor dog! How dare the humans next door not have compassion for your dog who gets scared for an hour. Rearranging your life? It must be nice to have such few problems that fireworks cause you to change your habits for one day out 365.

Really? Your neighbors kids are scared awake because of fireworks? Fireworks are lit FOR kids. I can see your point about veterans (God Bless America for you folks) but then in the same breath talk about deer having miscarriages? What? Really? I wonder how often that happens. Anyone care to share some statistics on that one? And who has the time to study this? I’m calling BS.

Now on to the breathing disorders. You say you are in your house - you are not going to have any medical problems from breathing in the occasional breath of fireworks smoke–especially from INSIDE your house. And the noise pollution? Where do you live? I’m sorry but there is no way you suffer that bad and if you do I’m sorry you live a dull and boring life where kids with sparklers pose problems. The good news is that you are more than likely old and we will all outlive you.

(On another letter) Really? Someone upset about Mark Wahlberg flipping the bird? Why? It's not aimed at you and it is just a finger gesture. If people such as yourself didn’t put so much emphasis towards it this would become meaningless.

Plus, the last time I checked this publication was free -- don’t pick up a copy if you are easily offended (as you clearly are).

My last point is about the man crying because of a few sprays of Round Up near Boardman Lake. Listen old man -- he was not dumping gallons of this stuff into the lake. Such a small amount would have found its way into the water system that not much harm would be done. Yes he could have just plucked the weeds and spent hours doing so but he really wasn’t harming anyone.

Have you spent much time on Boardman Lake? I have. You let your kids swim in there? How dare you sir. Someone should lock you up for child endangerment. Put your bleeding heart back in your fanny pack, pull your socks back up to your knees, and get back on your hover-round. Life is going to be ok.

George Nemetz - TC

Send Congress packing

At his second inauguration, President Bush declared his re-election was a mandate by the people for his policies. In light of the 13% approval rating for our current Congress, re-electing incumbent members of Congress would be a travesty.

Again, it would allow our congressmen to declare a mandate for their current positions of maintaining partisan policies. Their positions include discouraging constructive dialogue on the health care crisis, ignoring the unfair tax code, unabated deficit spending, and not engaging in compromising remedies for unemployment and economic growth.

The pervasive sentiment that this government has become dysfunctional can only be remedied at the ballot box. ALL incumbent members of Congress should be voted out of office. The message would be clear -- we have had enough of their partisan politics and no compromising! Locally, we should commit to sending Rep. Benishek and Rep. Camp packing!

Klaus Lehrer - via email

Feeling the heat

It used to be we talked about the weather, but did nothing about it.

Today we have done something about the weather, but nobody wants to talk about it. Especially our politicians.

Randy Bond - Beulah

Support Stanton

In the race for probate judge we have an outstanding candidate, Melanie Stanton. Not only does she have 10 years experience as a registered nurse (1987- 1988), in her 20-plus years as an attorney in Leelanau and Grand Traverse counties she has had experience with family law, adoptions, paternity cases, estate planning, juvenile delinquency, mediator for domestic relations, guardianships/conservatorships, and attorney or guardian representing neglected children, the mentally ill, and developmentally disabled individuals.

I urge you to vote for the most qualified candidate in the field, Melanie Stanton. Her background and experience shows she cares!

Lynn Baumann - Cedar


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