May 17, 2024

Letters 05-11-2015

May 10, 2015
Our simple rules: Keep your letter to 300 words or less, send no more than one per month, include your name/address/phone number, and agree to allow us to edit. That’s it. Email and hit send!

Religious Freedom Challenge

Stephen Tuttle wrote (May 4) concerning state "Religious Freedom Restoration Acts" (RFRAs) in his "Not Actually Legislating" column: "It is repugnant overreaction to a social change some people are unable to accept. Apparently their strongly held religious belief is they don’t like "˜gay’ people."

Mr. Tuttle would obviously then conclude that 1993 "religious zealots" the likes of President Bill Clinton and Democratic Senators Chuck Schumer and Edward Kennedy plus 99.4% of the 1993 Congress (All 435 Congressmen and 97 of 100 Senators) who all voted for the National RFRA must have disliked "gay" people.

The following excerpt from Dr. Scott Lively in his "My letter to the Hungarian People" shows how we got here:

""¦However, the spirit of homosexuality is rebellion, not self-restraint, so in every society which it enters as a political movement it begins with an appeal for tolerance but quickly escalates to a demand for acceptance, then celebration of its perverse culture, then dominance of its culture, especially over children, and finally, when it has sufficient political control, the punishment of all dissenters."

If this is not disconcerting enough, every foundational stone of the "gay" movement is corrupt: Alfred Kinsey "science"; 1973 APA Decision; Kirk & Madsen "After the Ball"; Matthew Shepard; plus extreme health risks.

And you said your guys "don’t actually legislate?" Yes they do: 23 activist judges threw out 41 million votes to illegitimately force "gay" marriage on 33 states.

I hereby challenge Stephen Tuttle to a public debate: Mr. Tuttle will have the opportunity to out more Christians that he believes dislikes "gays"; Mr. Wiesner will clearly show the house of cards foundation of the "gay" movement. Precise topic, location, and time yet to be mutually agreed upon. The welfare of the TCAPS students demands such a debate.

Bill Wiesner, Founder

A New Marriage Definition

In regards to the gay marriage debate, as an American citizen and as a gay man, I do not support any declaration that defines marriage. Marriage is defined by religion. Based on the separation of church and state, I oppose any federal declaration on religious grounds. As a spiritual and Catholic citizen, I do not agree with any regulation of marriage by the government.

I do, however, believe in equality and Constitutional rights. So my suggestion is as follows: Remove the term "marriage" from any and all government documents. In actuality this typically only refers to the legal system and taxes. Replace that term with "civil partnership," "civil union" or a term of your choice.

Our government should not provide injustice or unequal protections or services to its citizens. Require the states to provide these civil partnerships to any two consenting adults, gay, straight, or bi. If an individual wants to get a marriage certificate, then they must go to a church. After they get that certificate, they take it to their local municipal office and register with the state as a civil partnership with a marriage certificate.

If an individual wants to get gay married, then they must go to a church that includes homosexual unions in its definition of marriage. If a Church does not include homosexuality in its definition, then the church should have protection from being sued, should those churches that choose to provide such services.

Jericho Simon, Petoskey

Let Cars Park Downtown

Downtown TC merchants and property owners...where are your voices?

Little by little, parking spots are being eliminated for either "bumpouts" or more bike racks. Those spaces are the lifeblood of a healthy retail environment because for cars, they turn over from 8 to 12 or more times a day. Four bike racks therefore are taking the space that 32 to 48 cars per day could be using.

Racks could easily be nestled into areas behind or beside buildings, areas that cars cannot access. There are folks who park their bikes on a street rack (thus taking a customer’s spot), and go into a building, leaving their bike there for the day. The city should eliminate street bike racks.

We are watching one rack that has been housing two bikes for several weeks...all day and night. Event taking the low estimate, that takes 112 spots that could have been used by customers and meter paying people. What size would that parking fine be for a car? It would have been hauled away.

On the topic of lengthening meter times, it would seem counterproductive in getting people to use the ramp if it was known they could park for four hours on the street. It would also curtail the number of customers who could park downtown, get their stuff, and move on, making room for the next shopper.

Ken and Stewie Zacks, Traverse City

Takeaways From The GT Board

All the dynamics we are seeing at the GT County Board level are due to years of pentup frustration with past county boards not following a specific results-based budgetary (RBB) process.

Such a process style has value. However, Mr. Benda got caught in the crossfire because he was not overly enthused to follow the specific, trademarked, RBB process they desired.

I never heard Mr. Benda was not supportive of some kind of RBB process. I am guessing he was never really asked. I think many assumptions and preconceptions were had.

Now we have the opposite problem happening...a vacuum due to a reactionary decision and micro management. No Board level plan, no agreed upon overall goals, no agreed upon strategic plan, no interim admin in the foreseeable future, no indication there will be guiding goals or plans for any future interviewing admin candidates. To top it off, lack of good communication and lack of respect.

The thought, I am sure, was that the County would be taking two steps forward of relieving Mr. Benda when, in reality, the lack of the above is taking us four steps back; a year of serious damage control is on the horizon.

I thought we were beginning to learn from the crap in Washington -- the politics and the winners and losers scene. Well don’t look; it has imbedded itself in GT County.

We The People can.

Jill Rahrig, Traverse City


In the April 27 Realtor Roundtable, an error was made in Wally Kidd’s comments. As printed, the quote was, "Petoskey doesn’t have Lowes or Home Depot because you don’t see as many people looking to remodel old homes downtown." The correct quote is, "Petoskey doesn’t have both a Lowes and a Home Depot because people aren’t remodeling homes in downtown." We apologize for this error.


Riding to the Island

Thousands of outdoor enthusiasts are headed north for the 34th annual Zoo-de-Mackinac, a bike ride (not race!) on Saturday... Read More >>

The Wedding Singer Comes to the Playhouse

Bring your big hair and head back to 1985 with New Jersey’s Robbie Hart in The Wedding Singer at Old Town Playhouse ... Read More >>

The Lady of the Woods

Morel season is upon us, with those sought-after spores popping up in the forests and on our plates at local restaurants. ... Read More >>

Eight New NoMi Trails to Explore This Spring

With more than 4,020 miles of hiking trails and another 2,085 biking trails across the state—and many of those miles... Read More >>