May 15, 2024

Letters 06-06-2016

June 3, 2016

Baseless Trump Claims

In reference to James Mason’s letter about Donald Trump in the May 30th edition, I would like to ask him on what information did he baes his inconsiderate attack on a fellow American? Where was the info written that led to this name-calling and what purpose did you hope would come of your actions? And why would the Northern Express even agree to print such garbage?

The dictators listed in the second paragraph did use the intelligentsia, and when the dictators were through with them, the so-called intellectuals were either imprisoned or eliminated. I am just guessing that James Mason thinks that President Barack Hussein Obama is the best president this nation has ever had or could ever have!

Greg Haske, Gaylord

Close The Deer Park

It is stated in the May 30th Express article "Showdown at Deer Park" that the former city manager doesn’t recall people complaining about the park from 1988 – 2009.

"I don’t think there was really any controversy at the time – if we had to eliminate a couple of deer, we did, and they were always well cared for. I took my grandsons there to see deer up close and I suspect other people did."

We also took our family’s children to visit/ feed the deer. However, we never knew the deer were killed when the city decided to "eliminate" deer! The children never knew the deer they hand fed and taught to trust people would be killed because they were allowed to breed, and when there were more than the city wanted they would kill them.

When we learned of this, we stopped going; the children were devastated and did not want to return. However, we only learned of this a few years ago when it went public after deer killings were witnessed by residents.

Now that we are educated on the subject, we feel it is time for this "attraction" to be eliminated. There are many deer in the area; there is no need to display them in a small enclosure and then have a deer farm "harvest" the excess deer to make a profit at "canned" hunting ranches. We believe most children (and adults) that know this truth will agree; it is time to close the needless attraction and stop allowing the breeding of deer.

It is unfortunate that only city limits residents/taxpayers will make the decision for all of Harbor Springs. We hope that those that can vote will vote to close the park.

J. Brock, Harbor Springs

He Doesn’t Want It

I think Donald Trump has pulled a scam on the Republican Party and the American public. He does not want to be President; he wants to win! And he has defeated 17 competitors and created havoc for leaders in his party. That is good enough. He has no taste for White House food or politics, or playing "nice" to people he can’t stand. His career with business, women and entertainment is too much fun. Making money is too much fun.

So he has been saying outrageous things. He makes clear he is who he is, and if you don’t like it, don’t vote for him. "Please don’t vote for me!" Don’t expect apologies for putting us on. He has had a year of fun and entertainment. He has had the adoration of millions. I just don’t believe he wants to be sentenced to the Oval Office. Winning is about adulation, not service. How long will it be before we understand that?

Bob McQuilkin, Frankfort

Water & Fracking

Stephen Tuttle’s recent column on our awful state water management misses a prime polluter: fracking. Millions of gallons of fresh water are permanently poisoned and shot back into the ground with every frack. And the state continues to see no threat to our booming tourism industry. Have any of these guys seen what’s happening in Oklahoma?

This is a zero sum game: Absolutely no leaks or spills can be allowed, not if we want to keep our "fresh" water.

Mark Contrucci, Boyne City

Act To Stop Line 5

With each passing day of spring, winter yields to 70-degree weather and gloomy forests become a sea of green. Many will travel across the Mackinac Bridge, a fivemile feet of engineering that towers above the straights. Underneath is Line 5, a 63-year-old pipeline owned by Enbridge that transports natural gas and light crude oil from Wisconsin to Canada.

Over 40 northern Michigan municipalities have called for its reduction in transportation or shut down along with house bill H.R. 182 due to potentially devastating effects it could have on the Great Lakes if it spills. Contact your state representative today to stop this problem before our clear blue waters turn dark and oily.

Daniel Breitenbach, White Lake

COVER: Thank you to Traverse City-based Anderson Aerial Photography for the photos on the cover. More info at

CORRECTION: Last week’s feature on the Great Lakes Center for the Arts at Bay Harbor should have specified that the young artist vocal program Up North Vocal Institute (appearing at the groundbreaking) is from Crooked Tree Arts Center.


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