May 17, 2024

Letters 10-10-2016

Oct. 7, 2016

Globalization Trumps Trade Deals

Trade and immigration are two big issues in this presidential campaign. Before we look at our trade deals, let’s look at today’s highly sophisticated transportation and information technologies, which have altered the center of trade from West to East. Commercial intermodal freight transport, as well as information technology that transfers money at the speed of light, have created new centers of economic power in Asia. Transportation costs are minimal, which enables traders to compete even in far distant places. At the same time, capital can move very quickly to places with low wages to obtain a competitive advantage.

We hear nearly every night from Donald Trump that NAFTA has been the worst deal ever. Unfortunately, the facts do not bear that out. The consensus among economists is that NAFTA has been a wash as the number of jobs created balance out with the number lost. And recently there have been more Americans migrating to Mexico than Mexicans moving to the U.S., given their improved economic situation. Improved economics, not a wall, would be a more effective way to stem illegal immigration.

The real job killer has been China. In fact it was George W. Bush who signed a proclamation granting China permanent normal trade relations in 2002. Now the Obama administration is pursuing China at World Trade Organization over trade barriers, attempting to negotiate a trade deal, and insisting that China stop manipulating their currency.

Ronald Marshall, Petoskey

We Love Traverse City!

However Traverse City got to be the way it wife and I hope it continues! We’re residents here of only a few months, from Chicago. We marvel at the great restaurants and shopping. But most of all we marvel at the friendly people, our neighbors, store clerks, and workmen who have been at our house. Her and I made a great move!

Charlie Yates, Traverse City

Get Real

If Mr. Jackson [last week’s letter] wants to control what is being built in Traverse City, I suggest he and his friends run for City Commission. The idea that the city has to hold a city-wide vote every time someone wants to build a building is ludicrous, not to mention costly. Traverse City is not a little village anymore. Towns need to continue to grow or they die.

Lynda Prior, Traverse City

Trump’s "Great Again" Reincarnates George W. Bush!

Why does Donald Trump think that repeating three of George W. Bush’s worst mistakes will somehow help make America great again?

1) Trump says he will nominate justices like Scalia, Alito and Roberts, that is, justices committed to enhancing the influence of corporations and the wealthy. Most Americans now understand that the decisions by these corporate-friendly justices have undermined democracy by opening the floodgates of corrupting money. The anger directed at our increasingly gridlocked and incompetent political institutions is totally sensible, a justified response to Big Money’s growing dominance of our politicians. But doesn’t it make more sense to be angry that Trump wants to maintain this corruption and not work to end it?

2) Bush spent eight years pretending that the undeniable evidence of climate change caused by fossil fuels was non-existent or unimportant. But again, Trump takes a giant step backward on this issue. There goes America’s chance to keep on building the wind and solar industries to provide many of the jobs we need!

3) When will Republicans stop peddling that tired old nonsense, right out of Alice in Wonderland, that if we just huuuugely cut taxes for the wealthy (like him) – with a pittance reduction for everyone else – the entire economy will bloom like a rose? Even the Pope knows it’s a scam! But Trump actually wants to reincarnate the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. He expects us to accept a "plan" having no connection to reality. Shouldn’t someone running for President make sense?

Ron Tschudy, Central Lake

Sign Of The Times

I lease to Northport Village a portion of my real property on which the "WELCOME TO NORTHPORT SIGN" is erected. I receive no fee nor property tax adjustment. With my permission, I allow candidates’ signs from both political parties and community organizations to place their event signs on my property along M22.

On Sept. 26, Mrs. Von Voigtlander, Northport Village Administrator, instructed the DPW to remove two candidates’ signs from my property. I was notified by a candidate that the administrator stated no political signs, according to our lease, are allowed on that property. Mrs. Von Voigtlander is wrong. No such restriction is in the license agreement. Mrs. Von Voigtlander executed the lease as the Village President. Actually, as candidate for Village President, Mrs. Von Voigtlander placed her signs, without permission, on said property. Her signs were removed.

Mindful of the First Amendment, I contacted my attorney, who contacted Will Davison, Village attorney. Mr. Davison instructed the Village to replace the candidates’ signs onto my property. Unfortunately one of the signs was damaged when removed from the property. The intact signs were replaced the next day.

Subsequently, I was informed Mrs. Von Voigtlander contacted Leelanau County Road Commission to complain about the candidates’ signs not complying with published policy regarding political sign placement along state roads. Dan Wagner, PE with the Leelanau Road Commission suggested the signs be moved back 30 feet from M-22 to comply with Michigan’s regulations. The signs were moved and are now in full compliance.

Meanwhile, other signs lining M22 are not in compliance. MDOT, citing lack of staff, will not enforce their own policy unless they receive a complaint. MDOT can be contacted at 231.941.1986.

Barbara Gilmore Weber, Northport

Where Are My Young People?

We millennials get a bad rap - that we’re lazy, entitled, don’t care about anything. We hear your criticism and deny it to our cores.

We may view things differently but that’s because we were raised in a different world. We had Google and texting instead of encyclopedias and postage stamps. We know we don’t have all the answers, but if you give us five minutes and a smartphone, we might.

We expect accountability and transparency, and we’re not getting it. We’re dissatisfied with the world and feel helpless to enact the change we crave. John Mayer says it perfectly: "we see everything that’s going wrong with the world and those who lead it; we just feel like we don’t have the means to rise above and beat it. So we keep waiting, waiting for the world to change."

Well, my young people, it’s time to stop waiting. It’s time to get involved.

As I become more involved in government, I find that at 28 years old, I am often the youngest person in the room. We need more young people around the table. We are the ones who have something to lose.

How do you get more involved? Run for local office. Join a club that resonates with you. Volunteer. Join your local party. Attend meetings and speak during public comment. Be informed. VOTE.

I welcome your involvement and I’m dying to hear from you.

Amanda Elliott, Elmwood Twp Planning Commission Member, Traverse City


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