May 17, 2024

Letters 10-10-2014

Oct. 9, 2014

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Disagree with something you’ve read on these pages? Share your views with a quick letter to the editor by shooting us an email.

Our simple rules: Keep your letter to 300 words or less, send no more than one per month, include your name/address/phone number, and agree to allow us to edit. That’s it. Email and hit send!

Shameful TV Ads

Like so many others, I’m watching my weekend sports shows. Over the course of these shows we get bombarded with political ads, most from the right wing side of the spectrum. There are also those anti ads, the kind that are intended to cast a bad light on a particular candidate as opposed to extolling the virtues of the opposition.

The latest Jerry Cannon trash ad tries to paint Jerry as supporting the Affordable Care Act because he has received money from Nancy Pelosi, trying to paint him as being bought into the liberal camp. As an active and long term volunteer for Jerry, I know this claim to be absolutely false. Yes, Jerry supports the ACA. Yes, Jerry has taken money from high level Democratic donors. To say, however, that Jerry now supports certain positions because of these donations is a shameful lie. Are the Republicans really so fearful of Jerry and so disrespectful of the intelligence of the electorate that they have to resort to these kinds of distortions to further their agenda? It must be that they are.

Don’t buy into this shameful trap. Believe what you will. But know that Jerry’s views aren’t bought.

Bill Brown, Traverse City

Franz Not Thriving

A recent mailing from Ray Franz claims his "strong policies help our families thrive." I checked out a few of his policies to see what they provide.

He voted to tax the pensions of older families. He voted to reduce homestead tax credits for some and eliminate it for many. Is reducing earned income tax credit for low income families from $600 to $40 helping them to "thrive?" Removing two billion dollars from public education"¦ does that help? Do you families feel like you’re "thriving?"

He voted for a less than acceptable minimum wage which prevented acceptance of a citizens’ initiative for a higher minimum wage. He supported denying 400,000 Michiganders’ expanded health care under the ACA. He voted for enhanced open carry laws, even in public schools.

These comments should convince any rational person that Franz has done nothing to help Michigan families "thrive."

Beware, Franz is back with his innuendos and false statements reminiscent of the Scripps campaign of 2010 which cost the people a good and honorable man, and gave us a trickster and one not so honorable. Let’s not make the same mistake again. Please support Tom Stobie.

W. D. Bushey,Traverse City

The Homeless Area

Think about where all the homeless assistance facilities, addiction treatment facilities, are located. Think about the growing number of homeless and why. Think about the big picture of who this directly impacts as Traverse City grows. All of these facilities are in the same general area in TC. Those of us who live or own businesses in this area are being subjected to the increasing violence, drugs, and poverty of this area. I for one live in this area because I cannot afford to live anywhere else.

The city commissioners and other fake "do-gooders" don’t live in this area. It’s like all of TC’s problems are being swept into this area. You are not solving anything by allowing a homeless shelter to be added. You think the homeless problem is bad now? Wait! The homeless are infesting TC from other states already. The shelter only adds fuel to this fire. Affordable housing is what TC really needs.

Rene’ Jeffries, Traverse City

How To Vote. Literally.

Voting, marking your ballot, is how you register your political preferences and is the foundation of our democracy. What could be more important than making sure your ballot states your wishes accurately and completely as possible?

If you strongly consider yourself a Democrat or Republican or Green Party, etc. voter, then you probably want to mark the "Straight Party ticket" top of the ballot accordingly. Let’s say you marked Republican. Do you know that you can "cross over" or "split your ticket" and mark your ballot, say, for the Democratic candidate for Attorney General, and your Attorney General vote will go to the Democrat and all the other unmarked votes will go to Republicans? In other words, if you mark a Party affiliation at the top of the ballot, ALL your votes will go to that Party EXCEPT the vote or votes you mark for candidates from other Parties. And they will ALL count (If you think I’m wrong about this, contact your County Clerk or township clerk).

Of course you can be "independent," by just going down the ballot marking your preferences for each office. This also gives you the chance to show your displeasure with (or admit your lack of knowledge about) all the candidates for a particular office by not voting for any of them!

In summary, there are three ways to vote: 1) not marking the top section and choosing the candidate you prefer for each office. 2) Marking a party, and making no further marks. 3) Marking a party, and crossing over for candidates from other parties for some offices.

Ron Tschudy, Central Lake

Revisiting Minervini’s Column On Poor

Just wanted to commend Christie Minervini on her column on the poor. She hit the nail on the head on many issues.

Until very recently I lived in downtown Detroit. I’ve had much exposure to racism and prejudice. Most of the people I’ve worked with are from the burbs and it’s so discouraging to hear their ignorant selfserving, holier than thou positions. I watch as sports fans on their way to sit in their $40 seat, buy their nine dollar beers pass by the letters unfortunate souls in their tattered clothes, humbly holding a cup hoping for enough to get a meal, like you said, as if they aren’t even there.

They find reasons to blame the homeless for their situation so that they don’t have to acknowledge the real reasons. We as a society have created this and sadly accept it. All men are created equal only in the sense that they are human. Opportunities for a comfortable successful life vary dramatically for a variety of reasons. Capitalism and politics play a large role in this. Our government has failed us by allowing the rampant shipping of our jobs overseas. Capitalists have no shame and our politicians sell out to them. As for villainizing the poor, The Republican Party patronizes and promotes this attitude: "don’t feel guilty, it’s their lazy faults."They cut social programs: "your tax dollars shouldn’t go to help them. They should help themselves." And life goes on here in "The greatest country."

Thanks again for your column and concern.

Lee Astrauckas, Mancelona

Politics & Worshiping

We frequently hear the old adage: "Never discuss politics or religion". I quickly noticed that what we really mean is: "Never discuss the other fellow’s perspective on politics or religion."

That being said, I can’t be the only person who is sick of reading the barrage of political endorsements polluting the opinion pages prior to the upcoming election on November 4th. Eventually this political debate will go away and be swept under the rug for another two years.

Unfortunately, the surviving dialog will once again be the unspoken prejudices and implications that are entrenched within the local worship services of almost any house of worship. Once again, we will go merrily down the road believing that we are right and the other fellow is misguided and needs to be saved.

Could it be that the unchurched among us are not ignorant, but may simply be disenchanted with the hypocrisy of this situation? Isn’t it our job to help them see the light and save them for the Lord?

Want to have some fun? Try sitting in a different pew next week on the other side of the church, or parking your car in a different part of the lot.

William E. Scott, Traverse City

Correction: Last week we published incorrect contact information for the Ghost Ship Manistee. Correct information is Tickets are $10 for adults and $8 for students.


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