July 27, 2024

Stephen Tuttle | Author

Patriarchy and Racism?

Feb. 24, 2024

Public school history teachers in some states have to be especially careful these days. Prohibitions now exist, or have been proposed, limiting how teachers can discuss race or gender and how both impacted our founding history.

Montana, South Dakota, Florida, Georgia, Utah, and Al... Read More >>

A Not So Grand Old Party

Feb. 17, 2024

A balanced budget. A strong national defense. Smaller, less intrusive government. Unambiguous anti-communism. Near isolationist foreign policy.

Those used to be the calling cards of politicians—and their supporters—calling themselves “conservatives.” Their ... Read More >>

Downtown, Dams, Businesses, and Buses

Feb. 10, 2024

Let’s see what’s up locally.

Traverse City’s Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is in search of a new executive director, Jean Derenzy having submitted her resignation. Derenzy was a strong steward of the DDA and a powerful advocate for downtown Traverse City, ... Read More >>

Joe, Lia, Rockford, and Cowell

Feb. 3, 2024

President Joe Biden lags in the polls, suffering all manner of negativity from his opponents. While it’s true enough he hasn’t been a very good self-salesman, the country’s numbers are nearly all heading in the right direction.

We’ve already established tha...

Rhetoric Is Up, But Crime Is Down

Jan. 27, 2024

Donald Trump has nearly made fear-mongering an art form. He announces we’re facing great danger, usually imagined, then finds someone to blame for it and declares himself the only solution.

You might recall his announcement speech before he ran in 2016, with ugly assertions ... Read More >>

A SCOTUS Problem

Jan. 13, 2024

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has decided to take up the Colorado case in which Donald Trump has been booted off their primary ballot after allegedly having violated Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

This has the potential to become very m... Read More >>

Playing with Fire

Jan. 6, 2024

Science is always trying to stay at least one step ahead of our needs and sometimes ahead of things we likely don’t need at all. Let’s see what 2024 has in store for us.

There is now such a thing as a micro nuclear power plant. Small enough to be moved by truck and abl... Read More >>

Resolutions We Can Keep

Dec. 23, 2023

Are you making New Year’s resolutions this year? If so, you won’t be alone.

A 2022 poll by YouGov said 37 percent of us make resolutions or goals for the new year, and we’re pretty optimistic about it; a whopping 87 percent said they were likely to keep those res... Read More >>

A Swift Conspiracy

Dec. 16, 2023

Time magazine says they base their Person of the Year award on “…who they believed had a stronger influence on history and who represented either the year or the century the most…” For 2023, they believe that person is Taylor Swift.

This was foll...

Bad Attitudes, Party Issues, and Pipelines

Dec. 9, 2023

A certain former president who would like to return to the White House becomes more unhinged with each campaign rally. He has already said, right out loud, he would use another presidential term to exact “retribution” on his political enemies, meaning anyone not willing to off... Read More >>

Replacing Dangerous Products

Dec. 2, 2023

This has been a very hot year. Not hot compared to tens of millions of years ago, but pretty damned hot since humans have been keeping records.

According to the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service, July, August, and September were the hottest months on record,... Read More >>

Try Something Else

Nov. 25, 2023

We need a political reboot.

The latest data and polling analysis from Statista found the approval rating of Congress at a stunningly low 13 percent. Yet we keep sending the same people of whom we think so little back to their cushy jobs in Washington, D.C., where they will continu... Read More >>

A Place at Our Table

Nov. 18, 2023

We typically celebrate Thanksgiving without much thought of how it all started and if it was even an especially good idea for one group of initial celebrants.

According to the History Channel, the first Thanksgiving took place in October of 1621 in what is now Plymouth, Massachuse... Read More >>

It’s the Politicians Who Are Failing, Not the Country

Nov. 11, 2023

Some national political candidates believe they can curry favor and earn our votes by telling us this is a failing country, or worse, a country that has already failed. It is nonsense.

In fact, there was never a time when we were perfect, and much of our past is definitely not gre... Read More >>

Your Vote

Nov. 4, 2023

On Tuesday, Nov. 7, local elections will be held in many communities across Michigan, including Traverse City. These elections are critically important, but with no statewide or federal offices up for grabs, will likely attract an embarrassingly low voter turnout. It’s a shame.


Our Chaos Reality

Oct. 28, 2023

Science and math have their chaos theory that posits, among other things, that the smallest changes can create unpredictable and major disruptions elsewhere. The example most often used is the tiny amount of extra wind created by the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in Africa might s... Read More >>

Congressional Dysfunction

Oct. 21, 2023

There was a time when we could reasonably rely on Democrats behaving like a dysfunctional family. There were southern Democrats who were overtly racist and opposed to any semblance of civil rights legislation versus the Democrats proposing that very legislation. There were the Vietnam War... Read More >>

Just Ask Siri

Oct. 14, 2023

Those who believe artificial intelligence (AI) is a genie still struggling to get out of the bottle are sadly, perhaps even dangerously, wrong. AI is loose and already both helping and looking for trouble.

Let’s back up a bit. Just what is artificial intelligence? According ... Read More >>

The Oldest Bigotry

Oct. 7, 2023

Abraham, a busy fellow, is credited with creating the foundations of all three major monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Judaism came first, almost two millennia before Christ arrived and longer still before Mohammad.

It didn’t take long for the multith...

Tilting at Budget Windmills

Sept. 30, 2023

By the time this column goes to print, the federal government could be shut down. Or, more rational voices within the Republican party will have been heard and at least some sort of stopgap budget deal will have been made to keep the government running.

This trip to the edge of an...