July 27, 2024

Stephen Tuttle | Author

Conspiracy of Ignorance

April 28, 2018


There are those among us who believe nearly everything is the result of a conspiracy.  All of it.

They don't believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone when John F. Kennedy was assassinated, don't believe we ever landed on the moon, believe our own government orches... Read More >>

To Accuse

April 21, 2018


Some Republicans running for the U.S. House of Representatives have adopted an interesting campaign strategy: Elect me, or they will impeach him. The Democrat corollary —  elect me, and I will impeach him — hasn't yet appeared but likely will.  Read More >>

Meanwhile, Here at Home ...

April 14, 2018

There's so much happening in Traverse City that it's impossible to focus on a single issue. So let’s tackle a few. 

• Anyone who has ever traveled by train understands it's a more comfortable and civilized mode of transportation, given you have the time to spare.&n... Read More >>


April 7, 2018

Had enough, yet? No?

According to FactCheck.org, the President of the United States has told 2,500 lies since taking office. That seems to be quite a few, even for a Washington politician. He has other issues, as well. Let's review.

As this is being written, at least 21 hi... Read More >>

Of Protests and Privacy

March 31, 2018

Is this their Vietnam? 

That's the question now being asked about the students participating in the recent March for Our Lives protests condemning gun violence and demanding reform. 

Protests against the Vietnam War started in earnest immediately after the 1964 G... Read More >>

Every Polluter's Ally

March 24, 2018

You likely believe the primary purpose of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is to, you know, protect the environment. These days you would be wrong.

Since it was first created in 1970 during the Nixon Administration, the EPA has been a wonkish outfit full of scientists doi... Read More >>

Draining the Swamp

March 17, 2018

Sandy Pensler is running for the United States Senate in the Republican primary. He joins former Michigan Supreme Court Justice Bob Young and businessman John James as the only official Republican candidates, so far. The winner will take on Democrat incumbent Debbie Stabenow in November.&... Read More >>

Economic Folly

March 10, 2018

Our president, after saying he was going to slap a 25 percent tariff on steel and a 10 percent tariff on aluminum, said he believes trade wars are “good,” and winning them is “easy.” No, he really said that.  

It seems to be a theory unique to him... Read More >>

Desire vs. Reality

March 3, 2018

Traverse City's Twin Towers of Terror — parking and affordable housing — are once again in the headlines. Or, rather, still in the headlines.

Yet another parking study has determined that if people would just walk, bike, or take the bus downtown, that would be swell. A... Read More >>

More Madness

Feb. 24, 2018

We aren't going to do anything. At least not anything of real substance.

Politicians will yammer away, one side demanding more gun restrictions and the other saying this is not the time to discuss it. Florida might pass some ineffective law, or laws, but Congress will do nothing b... Read More >>

Ironic Budgets

Feb. 17, 2018

President Donald Trump presented his idea of a budget last week. It was about what you'd expect.

Let's see ... he would cut food stamps by 22 percent and add a work requirement, which isn't really a budget item at all. He wants the government to send food boxes instead of money to... Read More >>

Big Trouble in Sparty Land

Feb. 3, 2018

Michigan State University (MSU) finds itself in deep trouble, much of it self-inflicted. 

The Larry Nassar nightmare appears to be the tip of a much larger iceberg.

Nassar is the pedophile sexual predator who used his position as doctor and athletic trainer for both M... Read More >>

Too Much and Not Enough

Jan. 27, 2018


A $3 million farmers market. Wow. 

Traverse City's Downtown Development Authority (DDA) has a wish list a mile long and a steady income of taxpayer money. They're safely ensconced a full step away from voter scrutiny so they get to think bigger than those direc... Read More >>

Dear Congress

Jan. 20, 2018


Dear Congress: 

Around 550 million years ago, the right combination of atmospheric oxygen and changes in the makeup of the oceans allowed critters to convert minerals into bone. About 7 million years ago, the first humanoid type used those bones to stand uprigh... Read More >>

The Weed Windfall

Jan. 13, 2018

United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions has had just about enough of all this legal and medical weed business.

Sessions has revoked Obama administration instructions to federal prosecutors and law enforcement to avoid prosecutions of legal marijuana or medical marijuana in st... Read More >>

Leadership Lost

Jan. 6, 2018


If you believe the foreign press, and some here, the United States has lost, or is losing, decades-old influence. They have a list.

We are now the only country in the world to refuse to sign the Paris Accords on climate change. Nicaragua was a previous holdout becau... Read More >>


Dec. 30, 2017

As always, so many questions to start the year.

* "Absolutely free” shouldn't involve a “separate handling fee,” should it? 

* Did you know the Voyager 1 spacecraft, launched in 1977, is now more than 13 billion miles from earth and still functioning... Read More >>

Choosing Goodwill

Dec. 16, 2017


This is the season, we're told, of peace and goodwill on earth, the birth day of the Prince of Peace. Or at least the day Christians have chosen to celebrate the birthday.

Alas, we seem no closer to peace on earth or goodwill toward anyone than we've ever been. You ... Read More >>

Won't Help Most of Us

Dec. 9, 2017

Now we know. Neither the House tax reform bill nor the Senate tax reform bill does much to help most of us. Actually, it's worse than that.What we've been told by President Trump is this is the largest tax cut in history, the middle class will most benefit, his rich friends won't like it,... Read More >>

Just Dumb

Dec. 2, 2017

Remember when a good education for our children was the top priority of nearly every politician? Not so much these days.

Spending on public K-12 schools and universities has been in decline since the recession approached rock bottom in 2008. According to the State Higher Education... Read More >>