July 27, 2024

Stephen Tuttle | Author

Nodding Heads

Nov. 26, 2022

Have we seen this before?

When Donald Trump ran for president in 2016, there were any number of incidents the experts were quite certain would eliminate him or at least damage him so badly he couldn’t possibly be nominated.

It started with previous and truly creepy c... Read More >>

Thanks...for the End of the Midterms and More

Nov. 19, 2022

As always, there are reasons to be thankful, not the least of which is that the midterm elections are finally almost over. As this is being written, there are still a few House seats and one Senate race not decided.

We should thank everyone who had the courage to put their name on... Read More >>

Debunking, Not Defunding

Nov. 5, 2022

If you watch a certain news channel, or listen to some Republican candidates, you would be inclined to believe crime is out of control. It’s those darn Democrats who have “defunded” the police and judges who let vicious criminals lose without bail. Why, it’s a mira... Read More >>

Bad Choice and Late Results

Oct. 29, 2022

The attorney general (AG) is Michigan’s top law enforcement officer. Most voters would prefer somebody running for that office to have impeccable credentials either as a lawyer—preferably as a prosecutor—or as a law enforcement professional or both.

(As an aside,...

No-So Free Speech

Oct. 22, 2022

People saying outrageous things and then being called to account for those statements are once again trying to rely on “freedom of speech” for their defense. It is testament to their ignorance of the limits of their freedom, especially as defined in the First Amendment.


Michigan’s Midterm Updates

Oct. 15, 2022

We’re now less than a month away from the 2022 midterm elections, so it’s time we checked in on some key races. Many of you have likely already voted, so perhaps you can read along just for the fun of it.

Nationally, there are trends that bode ill for our entire electi... Read More >>

Easy Targets

Oct. 8, 2022

Hurricane Ian slammed into Florida as a category 4 storm with 150 mph winds, up to 17 inches of rain, and storm surges ranging from 9 to 12 feet. As this is being written, The Associated Press is now reporting more than 100 deaths in Florida directly related to Ian. The property ... Read More >>

Experiments in the City

Oct. 1, 2022

Lawsuits involving Traverse City’s experimental fish pass project and restrictions on building heights have made their way to the state appeals court. Both involve appeals to decisions made by 13th Circuit Court judge Thomas Power. Power ruled the fish pass amounted to giving away c... Read More >>

A Tradition of Ignorance and Intolerance

Sept. 24, 2022

In 1637, Thomas Morton wrote a book called New English Canaan, a satirical put-down of Puritans and their customs. Among other things, Morton compared them to crustaceans, and the Puritans, a cranky lot to begin with, promptly banned the book.

They followed that by banning John El...

Midterm Surprises

Sept. 17, 2022

Midterm elections are always a little sketchy; without a presidential race, turnout is reduced and surprises often abound. Statistically, that first midterm for a new president’s party has not been good at all.

Going all the way back to Harry Truman’s presidency, the p... Read More >>

He Is Us

Sept. 10, 2022

So, you woke up this morning in your cozy house, condo, or apartment courtesy of some utility company probably burning fossil fuels to generate power. Trees were cut down, transported, and milled to create the lumber that likely framed your residence. The copper for the wiring was mined, ... Read More >>

Classrooms and Buses

Sept. 3, 2022

According to a recent article in The Washington Post, we are facing a “catastrophic” teacher shortage. They report that some schools in Texas are going to a four-day school week, some in Florida are hiring veterans with no teaching training or experience, and some in ... Read More >>

More of the Same

Aug. 27, 2022

A Republican candidate for Congress in western New York says Attorney General Merrick Garland should be executed. (He subsequently claimed he was just being facetious.) A Republican candidate for the Florida House says he will introduce legislation making it legal to shoot federal agents ... Read More >>

Closer to Home

Aug. 20, 2022

For this week: a local grab bag of news, projects, and plans.

Undeterred by a pair of convincing thumpings at the polls, Traverse City’s tall building advocates are at it again.

First they circulated petitions in an effort to repeal the charter requirements brought a... Read More >>

Electric Everything

Aug. 13, 2022

Our best environmentally-friendly intentions have outstripped our ability to implement them. The push for electric everything is the best example.

New York City, Berkeley, San Francisco, Seattle, Denver, and New Jersey, among other locales, have, or soon will, outlaw the use of na... Read More >>

Deep Trouble

Aug. 6, 2022

There are elected representatives and others determined to change the very nature of our country and not in a good way. We should be far more concerned than we appear to be.

Out in Colorado, U.S. Representative Lauren Boebert is Example One of this incredibly dangerous trend. As r... Read More >>

Want to Avoid the “Fraud”? Just Don’t Vote

July 30, 2022

The congressional hearings on the Jan. 6 attempted coup have been even more distressing than we imagined because the evidence uncovered has been more offensive than we imagined.

Of course, this all started with Donald Trump’s outrageous lies about the results of the 2020 ele... Read More >>

Marching Backward

July 23, 2022

Depending on your beliefs, this has either been the greatest session in U.S. Supreme Court history or a nightmare from which we will not soon recover.

Let’s review highlights of what they’ve done and look at a sample of what their next session promises. (Full credit to... Read More >>

A Shameful Abdication

July 16, 2022

After a streak of especially nice weather in northern Michigan, it might be a good time for our semi-regular check on how other states are doing. As it turns out, not that well.

The Supreme Court’s recent decision in West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency ... Read More >>

Infecting Everything

July 9, 2022

A contagion of political foolishness and extremism now infects all corners of the country.

Down in Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis is using a compliant legislature—some would say downright ovine—to both install his ideology as law and to exact retribution in a way that prob... Read More >>