July 27, 2024

Stephen Tuttle | Author

Northern Death

Sept. 11, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic marches inexorably toward ignominious Milestones of Death here in the United States. 

We've now eased past 650,000 COVID deaths here. Soon enough we will surge past the estimated 675,000 Americans who died in the 1918–19 flu pandemic, and this coro... Read More >>


Sept. 4, 2021

It has been two full decades since we were attacked by crazed murderers hijacking planes and using them as weapons. Calling them “terrorists” affords them more credit than they deserve, a kind of cachet that somehow elevates them beyond what they actually were. We will once ag... Read More >>

County Knowledge and City Plans

Aug. 28, 2021

Those of us living in Grand Traverse County are incredibly lucky; the Republicans on our county board of commissioners are just about the smartest people alive, and their wisdom extends to subjects far and wide.

A previous board's expertise on energy distribution — specifica... Read More >>

A Basket Full of Troubles

Aug. 21, 2021

President Joe Biden has a basket full of troubles. Some inherited, some the responsibility of multiple people and some of his own doing. They all promise to be rich fodder for attack politics during the 2022 midterm elections.    


Not Good at All

Aug. 14, 2021

This is not good at all. With the COVID-19 Delta variant surging, too many are still stuck in a world of make-believe, unwilling to acknowledge science or protect themselves and the rest of us.

About 80 percent of all new covid cases are of the delta variant, a mutated and more tr... Read More >>

Where are the Workers?

Aug. 7, 2021

Where are they? Where did all the employees go? 

These days it is unusual to pass a business — almost any business — that hasn't posted a “Now Hiring” or “Help Wanted” sign of some kind. Others are posting their vacancies on various online ... Read More >>

Teaching our Real History

July 31, 2021

The Washington Post got it partially right: racism is a divisive issue in Traverse City. The “tearing the city apart” component was more than a little hyperbolic.

Their recent article connected the appalling “slave trading” on social media undertak... Read More >>

Livin', Smokin', Drinkin' and Fishin'

July 24, 2021

The country seems to be devolving into near insanity with election deniers trying to delude us and anti-vaxxers trying to sicken us. It might be safer to look at things a little closer to home.

Kudos to the Traverse City Housing Commission (TCHC) for their plan to help build 210 a... Read More >>

Another Depressing Campaign

July 17, 2021

The Republican campaign strategies for the 2022 midterm and 2024 presidential elections are now coming into sharper focus. They will push the notion that Democrats are in thrall to the extreme left and here, they say, is the proof:

Democrats support CRT – Cr...

Will This Bubble Burst?

July 10, 2021


There is a housing shortage, at all price points, locally and nationally. Materials needed to build housing are also in short supply, as are capable, skilled trades workers, a product of shutdowns during the height of the pandemic. With supply and demand in play, prices hav... Read More >>

Dishonoring our Country

July 3, 2021


We like to celebrate the Fourth of July though we typically do so superficially. We've all been taught the basics: unfair taxation from an oppressive absentee government, the Boston Tea Party, the Boston Massacre, Paul Revere, Lexington and Concord, Washington's ultimate vi... Read More >>

Still Asleep

June 26, 2021

Are you woke? Are you part of the woke culture? Do you know what that's actually supposed to mean?

In its simplest definition, to be woke is to be aware of social injustice, and to be part of the so-called woke culture is to somehow act to remove that social injustice.


Long-term Headache

June 19, 2021

The Michigan Legislature is contemplating yet another bad decision. This time they'd like to strip away the right of local communities to regulate short-term residential rental properties. It is, they say, all about private property rights. 

It would mean Traverse City's some...

Ending the Filibuster

June 12, 2021


The filibuster, much in the news lately, has an interesting if not usually glorious history.

From the French word filibustier, it was first used as a negative descriptor of pirates marauding French colonies in the Caribbean in the early 17th Century. It wou... Read More >>

A Full Accounting

June 5, 2021

So, what is critical race theory (CRT)? 

CRT is the notion that categorizing race into subgroups is an artificial construct designed specifically to oppress minorities, especially Black Americans, while maintaining control for an existing, mostly white, power structure, espec... Read More >>

The Right to Exist

May 29, 2021

Israel and Hamas have, at least temporarily, finished one of their somewhat regular skirmishes, with predictable results. We've seen this before. Hamas, the elected government in Gaza, almost wholly funded by Iran and declared a terrorist organization by the U.S. and others, finds a reaso... Read More >>

Double Trouble

May 22, 2021

At least two local school districts find themselves trying to find a punishment or resolution or intervention that is a fitting response to what has been reported as a sickeningly racist and misogynistic online chat among students at three local high schools.

The desire to enslave...

Loyalty to a Lie

May 15, 2021

Some Republicans have fallen down and they can't, or won't, get up. 

This isn't the party of Lincoln, and it's not likely Ronald Reagan would be welcome, either. The governing principles that once underpinned the GOP — small government, balanced budget, strong defense, ... Read More >>

Is Water a Commodity?

May 8, 2021


There will be one overriding issue in the next couple of decades, one of the few that is literally an existential threat to our future. It isn't terrorism, or white supremacy, or socialism, or Trumpism. It's water, or the lack of it. 

The looming water crises &...

Do the Math

May 1, 2021

We're making some progress against Covid-19, but if this were an athletic contest, we'd still be behind. 

Nearly 10 percent of the country's population, almost 32.5 million Americans, have been infected. We continue to assume that number is low, as not everyone, or even most ... Read More >>